Phil met me at Central Station in Syd when I arrived. He immediately took me towards the Rocks area, where I saw the Opera House and Sydney Harbo(u)r Bridge for the first time. I've been in Oz or more than three months, but hadn't felt it as much as I did when I first saw the Opera house. It was especially spectacular at night.
I got a message from Larry the next day saying he hadn't left port north of Sydney yet, so we met up again and toured. I took a ferry from Manly to Circular Quay (just google Sydney to see a map) and met Larry there. We walked around the Opera House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Government House, and Paddy's Markets. Larry sailed the next day, and I'll continue on that below. I hit the National Maritime Museum and the Powerhouse Museum Thursday. On Friday, I saw the famous Bondi Beach, took a ferry back to the city from Watson's Bay, and spent a confused hour in the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Sydney is certainly a must-see for anyone travelling to Australia. The Opera House and the Bridge are two sights that make this city recognizable to almost anyone in the world. There is a lot of history here, not just from the city but from the entire country. The city itself is impressive to see. I didn't enjoy the atmosphere as much as Melbourne's though; my best description is that it feels very business-like and touristy at the same time. I asked around about music, and the session scene is sadly quiet at the moment.
Larry's sailing trip is turning into another adventure. The boat owner is allegedly a bit of a dirtbag hippie; it's only the two of them onboard; facilities are rather rough; equipment may be a little lacking. However, if anybody could come out of yet another questionable situation just laughing and shaking his head, it'd be Larry.
I'm a bit unsure what I will be doing these last couple weeks in Aussieland. I found out yesterday that there is nothing for me to do at the strawberry farms if I got back up there, so there's not much point in going. I'm looking around for anything that would let me work for room and board at this point, and have a couple options, but nothing is very solid at the moment. Seemingly concrete developments appear and fade away again just as quickly. For the moment though, I am quite happy to have had Court's connection to some truly great people.
I'm so glad you're spending time with the McCarroll's - they're awesome people! Enjoy Syndey and relax for a few weeks. Love you!
I agree! Just relax on the beach!!!!!!!!!! I suggest with a beer in both hands! :)
I wish, but that'd be like $18 worth of beer...
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